A tried and true way to alleviate stress is meditation. This comes to us in many forms. Taking an hour out of your day to sit calmly and clear your mind is what most people picture when thinking of meditation. However, meditation has transformed over time. Taking an impromptu drive in your car around your neighborhood or going outside when the weather is nice to tend to your garden is considered meditation. Meditation and hobbies typically go hand-in-hand. If you have a hobby that you enjoy whether it relaxes or excites you, it can be considered meditation and good for your mental and physical health. I urge you to experiment and find what brings you joy and helps you forget the day-to-day stresses that life brings us.
Exercise is a great way to raise your endorphins, and not all exercise needs to be strenuous. GCSC offers many physical stress relievers, such as the pool and gym. Both are open to all students. You can go online and check the gym and pool schedule to plan your next session. They also offer classes such as kickboxing and yoga, to name a few. Keep in mind that the courses will cost money. If you cannot come to campus, there are exercises that you can do at home. Youtube has thousands of videos specifically for home exercises that nothing but an internet connection and your time.

Don’t Be Afraid to Talk
Gulf Coast State College also has free counselors on campus for students to make appointments with. Depending on your situation, you can attend long as you need. You can go for a prolonged period if it is agreed upon between you and your counselor. However, you can go for a few sessions if you feel that’s all you need. GCSC also has a meditation room for those that need a moment alone. The meditation room is used for many situations such as private prayer, breastfeeding, and for those who feel like they need a moment alone or sense a panic attack coming on.

Appreciate the Little Things
Not all of us can take an hour or two out of our day for ourselves. There are many stresses and responsibilities in life that need our attention. However, it’s important to find even a few minutes of peace In your hectic schedule. It helps to stop and appreciate the little things in life that make us happy. For example, enjoying the first few sips of your morning coffee or the sensation you feel when you clock out of work and get to go home.
Pace Yourself
It is vital to pace yourself when working on assignments. Don’t take on too much at once and focus on one project at a time. Organize your work from most to least important, and try not to focus on another task before you have finished the one you’re currently working on. Try not to overload your schedule and know that it is OK to step back from certain projects and obligations when they become overwhelming. I know the sense of commitment and responsibility can weigh down on your shoulders, but remember that your mental, physical, and emotional health comes first.