Image Provided by Nintendo
It’s pretty often that Voice Actors for video games are unsung heroes. They bring the characters to life and almost always take a backseat to the graphics and gameplay. Unfortunately though it seems that it seems companies are of that same opinion. Platinum Games, the game studio that is making “Bayonetta 3” has lost their titular characters voice actor. This news was dropped on Twitter by the voice actor herself,

Image provided by Hellena’s Twitter
Hellena Taylor, who broke a NDA to speak on the matter. Who said she would not be returning for the upcoming game. She went further to blast the creators for only offering her $4000 for her work on the entire game.
She also urged that anyone who sees the tweet boycott the game, to make a statement that anyone who cares about salary abuse shouldn’t purchase the game. The tweeted videos went viral almost instantly. With the main video reaching over 9.6 million views, and the extra parts each have over 200 thousand.
The tweets seem to have struck a nerve amongst gamers all around the world. Voice actors often get the short end of the stick. Being fan favorites but never reaching the fame or prestige of actors. In addition, many people simply want to make sure that companies are held to a standard and pay employees well. Platinum games has two different sources saying otherwise and responding to these allegations, however. Stating that the offer was actually $3000-$4000 per session, with five sessions planned, giving Taylor a pay of at least $15000 for her role in the game.
Platinum Games Response

Image Provided by GameLuster
Hideki Kamiya has also tweeted in response to this, however the aggressive and angry tone of the tweet has many people more inclined to believe Taylor over the company. With Taylor herself saying that any claims of her making around $15000 were “categorically untrue” a “complete lie” and that Platinum Games was “trying to save their ass and the game.”
The New Voice Actor
The new actor brought in to voice Bayonetta has been revealed as Jennifer Hale. Who quickly posted a statement on the matter, which can be found here. Saying “I am under NDA and am not at liberty to speak regarding this situation. My reputation speaks for itself” going on to say “I sincerely ask that everyone keep in mind that this game has been created by an entire team of hard-working, dedicated people and I hope everyone will keep an open mind about what they’ve created.”

Image Provided by Jennifer’s Twitter
At the end of the day Hale has been put in a very difficult situation. By accepting the position she has made herself a target for angry fans of the series. Those who see Hale herself as getting Taylor kicked out of her position and are now harassing her on twitter and other platforms. Hale has been a longtime member of the voice acting community and has always had a good reputation. So while the harassment is small it is still there.
Bayonetta 3 is going to be released on October 28th for the Nintendo Switch.