Working your way through college can be exhausting, but it’s a necessary evil. If you’re going into a field full of starter jobs and internships, you may wonder if a job in your field would be right for you.
As someone who’s spent a few years hopping majors and working a tiny bit in every field that I could, I’m here to help. Here are the biggest benefits I’ve found to working in your field while in college, as well as the biggest hurdles:
PRO: You Get to Have a Test Drive.
CON: You’re Always Doing the Same Thing. Times Two.
PRO: Networking Opportunities are Everywhere.
CON: It’s a Major Balancing Act.
PRO: Your Resume Will Thank You.
CON: The Pressure is On.
PRO: You’ll Have a Head Start.
CON: Self-Doubt Galore.
PRO: Your Peers Get it.
CON: Be Prepared to Change Your Mind.

Rain Braddam
Student Writer - Summer '23