Photo by Gervelemae on Unsplash
Having a hobby can seem like a niche thing. Not everyone has them and not everyone has the same hobbies. The importance of a hobby tends to be overlooked by most. Hobbies can create a healthier mindset when it comes to workflow and productivity. Hobbies also provide productive use of free time and allow for you to think creatively.
Don’t have a hobby?
There are many different things that are considered hobbies that anyone can participate in. Hobbies can range from Cosplay to video games, to woodworking, and even painting. The hardest part is finding a hobby that interest you. There are a multitude of questions you can ask yourself to figure out what a suitable hobby for you would be.
“What were you interested in as a kid?”
Asking yourself this will allow you to dive back into your childhood and find that niche thing you enjoyed doing as a kid. A lot of people tend to forget to be a kid every now and then. Hobbies help to heal that inner child.
“How do you like to spend your time?”
This question is great because it allows us to think about what we actually do with our freetime. Some people engage in a hobby without even realizing what there doing can be a hobby. Sketching in your free time is a hobby, playing an instrument, social media content, even playing games are all hobbies.
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?”
A question like this sparks opportunity for you to engage in something you thought you could never do. Some hobbies that people pick up are intense and hard to maintain, maybe even cost a lot of money but that doesn’t mean they are impossible. Anyone can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
Why are hobbies important?
Now the question is why are hobbies important? On the surface they can seem like a waste of time and money. In reality hobbies are great for mental health, they inspire productivity. In an article on Blue Ocean Brain they go into detail about the benefits of hobbies and how they improve productivity in our mindsets. The University of Arkansas has a research paper on the importance of hobbies that makes excellent points.
Reduces Stress:
Hobbies allow you to dive into something you enjoy doing and remember that outside of work or school you are still a human. It also gives you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They let you relax and enjoy activities that aren’t associated with work, school or other responsibilities.
It promotes “flow”:
Losing track of time in learning a new skill like playing an instrument is whats considered flow. It’s a desirable state of mind in which time flies and self-consciousness dissipates.
It encourages efficiency:
The concept of Parkinson’s law says that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” Which essentially means that hobbies help fill out our schedule. The time we would spend stretching out our work turns into time spent on hobbies meaning our work time is more efficient.
It challenges you:
When you pick up a hobby, it should be challenging. If it is not challenging then you won’t find it interesting or engaging and it won’t be as enjoyable for you. Finding a hobby that challenges you or forces you to learn a new skill is important.
It helps prevent bad habits and wasting time:
The University of Arkansas talks about an old saying that “idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” If you have good hobbies to fill up your free time, then you will be less likely to spend that time on wasteful or negative activities.
Time to find that Hobby!
Finding something you like to do outside of school or work can seem like a chore itself, but it is 100% worth the chore. To find something that makes you feel creative and just makes you feel good in general. Try and find that special hobby no matter what it is and get to work. It may turn out better than you expect.