When it comes to burnout, it seems like the college generation of today is all too familiar with the phrase. In a society that seems to be going, going, going non stop, college students have adopted the same tendencies in their educational life, and it is showing in a not so positive way.

Generation Z is a group of teenagers/young adults that have grown up in a world of technology. From television, to computers, to phones, it’s easy to say that the young generation has never gone without constant stimulation at their fingertips. As a result of this, we see the young adults of this day practically running themselves into the ground when it comes to constantly having something to work on, look at, or figure out.

Social Media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Tick Tock have definitely not helped the cause either. As humans, our bodies are designed to operate on a sufficient amount of rest. However, with a brain that is fed constant stimulation all day, every day, it is difficult to rest when your mind physically cannot. For many, “resting” consists of scrolling through Tick Tock, or checking posts on Instagram. It is almost like the teenagers of today do not know how to rest. This has, in turn, caused upticks in anxiety and depression, as well as other physical and mental issues.

With our minds working so hard all of the time, it is no wonder how so many people experience burnout in their daily lives. With a head-space that is constantly looking for stimulation, it can be difficult, impossible even, to truly rest.

However, all of this to say, hope is not lost yet. While it may be difficult to break these toxic habits, the first step towards resolving this issue that is setting in across the world is to start small. Setting a screen time limit is an easy way to limit use of these apps. Not only this, but holding yourself accountable through the use of friends or even parents is also a great way to limit the use of these apps. You could even get to the point of deleting the apps that take up too much of your time.

In a world that is ruled by social media, we ourselves do not have to let these apps take over us. We have the capability and the power to transform our minds one step at a time.

Burnout is not an issue that we all have to live with. As college students and young adults, we do not have to be held hostage by the bonds of social media. Breaking free of these chains and using our time in a healthy and productive manner is a goal that will help us stand out against the ties of these apps. Don’t let social media or burnout entrap you, and don’t fall short of your capabilities to do great things despite it. Breaking these addictive habits is not easy, but all it takes is one small step forward to start the process.