Commodore Waves FAQ

General Information

What is Commodore Waves and it's purpose?

Commodore Waves is a student run digital media website at Gulf Coast State College for those learning about online content. It’s purpose is to allow students to learn and work on digital media projects in their classes.

Who works on the blogs and posts on the Commodore Waves website?

The students are the writers and creators of the blogs and articles on the Commodore Waves page. Many of the content and reports come from the students.

Am I able to submit my own blog post or article?

This website is for students who take courses relating to digital media and content writing. If you are a student in this field and need help with learning how to write content on this page, feel free to ask our advisors!

Categories and Student Inquiries

What are the different topics that are covered in the website's articles and blog posts?

There are a variety of different topics that students can choose to write about. The list includes:

  • Student Life
  • Gulf Coast State College News
  • Commodore Sports
  • Student Government
  • Alumni

These are the main categories that are covered by the students in the Digital Media program. Some sub-categories that students may focus on could be:

  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Student Interest
  • Gaming
  • Lifestyle Tips
  • And more…


How do I browse different articles and specific topics?

Our menu contains a site map that lists all the different tags, categories, and functions to navigate through and find what you need.

Commodore Waves Site Map

Where can I see more of what a specific author has posted?

We have all our student authors listed on the sidebar of the website and we also have a whole page listing all of them in the link below.
Authors Page