This Friday, October 11th marks the beginning of the annual BEA 48 Hour Film competition. Contestants have exactly 48 hours to script, plan, film, and edit their short film. They are given a genre, prop, character, and line they must include in their short film. They are also given a set time the movie cannot exceed. They do not receive the information over everything they must include until the competition begins on Friday at 3pm. Last year a group of Commodores took on the competition and ended up placing in the Top Ten for their film Sugarloaf! This year’s team is planning on taking first place in the competition!
This year’s team consists of ten Commodores: Becca Starke, David Carson, Jason Pham, Joshua Lake, Keesley Walker, Logan Libby, Luke Brown, Malachi Miller, Tyler Daugherty, and Zavian Primm.The only returning members from last year’s team are Tyler Daugherty, Becca Starke, and Keesley Walker. Each of these students are in the Digital Media Program at Gulf Coast State College. They are all extremely excited for this upcoming competition and cannot wait to see what they can create.
This year’s team is ready for the challenge and some of the members that were in the group last year have learned a lot and now have some tools and advice for the new members. Becca Starke was a part of last year’s team and has come back to be a part of it again this year. This is what she had to say about this year’s competition, “The thing I’m looking forward to the most is having a larger crew to work with and bounce ideas off of. Brainstorming is always my favorite part of the process, so getting some new people into the mix is sure to help us come up with creative new directions we can take the prompts given to us. On that note, something from last year that I would want to do differently is worry less about the details. There were a few times last year where I got into my head about making sure everything was “perfect” and ended up overcomplicating it and stressing other people out. I gotta trust my fellow filmmakers more and let the story take us where it needs to go!”
Luke brown is joining the team for the first time this year and is really excited for the competition! This is what Luke had to say, “I’m most looking forward to collaborating with this team to create a film that represents our collective efforts. I hope to gain valuable experience in teamwork, particularly in the context of producing a film under time constraints. This pressure-filled environment will provide real-world insights into the filmmaking process.”
All in all this year’s team is a strong one and is ready for whatever challenges they may face during this competition! You can check last year’s film Sugarloaf on youtube on the Commodore Productions page or by clicking the link:
Keesley Walker
Student Writer - Fall 2024