The Beach as A Pillar of Wellness

With college students’ busy schedules, it is important to find balance by implementing fun and well-rounded activities. It can be difficult to find a practical way to implement it into a regular routine. When thinking of ways to spend free time a few key words may come to mind such as hobby, relax, socialize or health.  A location that can meet all of these key words is free to visit and much closer than you may think. Panama City’s beaches are a thirteen-minute drive away from Gulf Coast State College– here are some great benefits a beach visit can provide. 

The Beach is Your Oyster

Students spend a lot of time indoors going to class and doing schoolwork. The beach is a great place to stretch your legs, get fresh air. There are opportunities to spend time alone, with friends, participating in invigorating activities, or kicking back to relax. There are sports like skimboarding, soccer, kayaking or fishing. Being in a natural setting can spark creativity- bring a canvas to paint, write poetry or crochet. Additionally, you can dive into a book, collect shells, go on a brisk shoreline run, or fall asleep to the sound of crashing waves. Businesses such as Blue360 offer beachside yoga classes on the beach as well. Several events like bonfires, live music, tournaments, and even church services are usually often hosted through restaurants, Schooners and Pineapple Willy’s. There are many activities to do on the beach that can be done independently or with your favorite people. 

Photo by Milin John on Unsplash

Mineral Goldmine

The beach does not only look out for its visitor’s social and physical health, but their cellular health too. The gulf is packed with an array of minerals that the human body needs. This includes things such as sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. According to Harvard’s school of public health, sodium is necessary for balancing water and minerals and plays a key role in our muscle and nerve functions. Additionally, the National Eczema Association recommends doing a salt soak to soothe burning skin.

Magnesium assists over 300 enzymes in the body in order for it to building bone, regulate vitals, and more. Calcium contributes towards optimized muscle and nerve function, minimizing blood clotting and is the building block for bones. Potassium is an electrolyte needed by all body tissue and regulates the fluid levels in our cells. Beach visitors can say goodbye to their over-the-counter supplements and hello to regular doses of vitamin sea.

Benefits of the Sun

Speaking of vitamins, another benefit of a beach visit is that the ultimate vitamin D supplement is right above your head. For people with fair skin, 10-15 minutes of midday exposure will meet the daily value. It takes roughly 30 minutes for people with a darker complexion. Regularly meeting the daily value means avoided sickness and optimized mental, bone and heart health.

Photo by sophie peng on Unsplash