Top 3 Tips for New Students at Gulf Coast State College

By Gael Hernandez

Welcome new Commodores! Starting college can feel overwhelming, but Gulf Coast State College offers plenty of resources and opportunities to make your transition smooth. Whether you’re learning to navigate campus, meeting new people, or balancing academics, these tips will help you make the most of your time at GCSC.

1. Get Involved in Clubs and Organizations

Getting involved in clubs and organizations at Gulf Coast State College (GCSC) is a great way to enhance your college experience. Joining a club helps you build connections with peers, faculty, and professionals. Here are some you could consider:

  • Black Student Union
  • GCSC Brain Bowl
  • Center for Student Media
  • College Democrats
  • Manga Club
  • Model United Nations
  • History Club

For a comprehensive list and more details about each club, including meeting times and advisor contact information and or if you don’t see a club that fits your interests, GCSC encourages students to start their own. Please visit the GCSC Student Clubs and Organizations page.

2. Learn Your Way Around Campus

One of the best ways to start your journey at GCSC is by getting to know the layout. Knowing key locations ahead of time can help you feel more confident, reduce stress and make you never late to class.

Key locations to know

  • GCSC Library – More than just books, the library offers study rooms, research databases and access to academic journals. 
  • ACE Tutoring Lab The ACE Tutoring Lab is in the Charles Hilton Center, Room 225, and offers FREE tutoring to students in accounting, computers, and economics classes. 
  • Math Tutoring Lab The Math Lab is here to help you and offers free tutoring in developmental mathematics up through Calculus I, including Math for Liberal Arts, Statistics and Health Math. 
  • Administrative Offices (Admissions, Financial Aid, and Advising) – If you have questions about registration, tuition, scholarships, or academic planning, these offices are crucial. 



3. How to Stay Connected with Events and Updates

Staying informed about what’s happening on campus is key to making the most of your time at Gulf Coast State College (GCSC). Whether it’s academic workshops, club meetings, career fairs, or social events, there’s always something going on.

Ways to stay informed:

  • Follow GCSC on Social Media

@GulfCoastStateCollege – Instagram, Facebook, 

@GCSC1957 – Youtube, X 

  • Check the Campus Event Calendar

GCSC maintains an online event calendar where students can find details about upcoming activities.

  • Subscribe to Campus Emails and Alerts

Make sure you’re checking your student email regularly. Important announcements from the administration, professors, and student organizations are often sent via email. You can also sign up for text alerts to receive notifications about emergency situations, school closures, or last-minute event changes.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Professors, advisors and staff are here to support you in anything you need. If you’re feeling unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to reach out, whether it’s about academics, financial aid, or personal challenges. We got you! Starting college is a big step, but Gulf Coast State College is here to help you succeed. By staying active, making connections, and utilizing campus resources, you’ll find your groove in no time. Here’s to a great first semester at GCSC!