Fortnite Battle Royal (FBR) is what a lot of console players have been wanting for a while. Ever since Player Unknowns Battlegrounds (PUBG) came out for the PC platform every console owner has wanting to play an open world hunger games style game. This has not been the first attempt at a game like such on console but each one has failed to impress. FBR has mixed what everyone likes in games such as aspects like crafting, creating, and survival games. The gamplay reminds me of four other games. The design reminds me of Team Fortress two. The crafting is similar to Minecraft and ARK: Survival. The survival last man standing reminds me of PUBG and H1Z1: King of the Hill which was not as successful of a game. The controls from PC to PS4 Pro are straight forward and are not too complicated. Graphics do not seem to change much between the pc and console release.

With the launch of this game on consoles as a free to play title has created huge buzz in the gaming world. Even being an avid PC and Console gamer I never heard about FBR till they released the game for free on console. The game uses unique features that really sets itself apart from the last man standing games. The ability to create walls and ramps is an effective deterrent and makes traversing the map easier. Overall the game if fun to play and can be very competitive. On PS4 Pro it is smooth to play and the frames per second is constant. There also doesn’t seem to drops in frame rates or screen tearing.

Heres some gameplay from the PS4 Pro:


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2017