With college esports on the rise, do Gulf Coast State College students think it would be a good idea to start an esports team here?

“Yeah I think it could be cool,” GCSC Digital Media Major Jonah Wirrick said. “I don’t really know how people could set it up, but having an OW league team or something like that would be dope.”

Jonah stated that video games are a large part of their lives, so seeing the school he goes to everyday invest into such hobby would be sweet. 

Brandon Gonzales, another GCSC Digital Media Major, had much to say regarding esports here at Gulf Coast. 

“I think it would be amazing if Gulf Coast had an esports team,” Brandon stated. “I’d either sign up for the team or work production as a caster if it was a game I was familiar with.”

When approaching SGA President Sophie Theiss about having a college esports team here at Gulf Coast, they quickly responded.

Sophie said that “Yes, I think having an esports league would be really awesome.”

Overall, many students at Gulf Coast would be thrilled to have an esports team represent the college. From them wanting to sign up for a team to even working on the production for game events, esports here at Gulf Coast could provide much for students.