How do you see the world?
Is it too cold outside, or is it jacket weather? Is it too hot or time to swim? Cup half-full or half-empty? This same question has been asked for many years, but people don’t understand it. They can’t grasp the concept that a person’s perception can control their reality. A simple smile in the morning can brighten someone’s entire day. A friendly gesture can change a morning of mishaps. So why do we still act out? We get cut off on the highway and our first response is to get upset and then cut another driver off. Anger is natural and normal but what we do with that anger changes all the pieces around our life.

What’s The Point?
As we go through our day-to-day motions, things start to become routine. Our favorite barista makes our favorite coffee at Starbucks. Our usual gas station attendant never says more than two words. Our boss greets us with the same non-emotional good morning every day. As the routines continue over time, we as humans form responses. We choose to feed into the negative and expand on the positive, or choose to remain positive no matter the routine. As discussed earlier, if we know that with a simple smile, we change someone’s day. Why would we not smile in all situations?
Kurtis Hall
Student Writer - Spring 2022
Kurtis Hall is in his final year at GCSC. This is his last semester towards his Bachelors degree in Digital Media Studies with a focus in Web Development Specialization.