Photo by Alicia Quan on Unsplash

It has been an exciting year for Marvel Studios and continues well into the next year with the upcoming Avengers: Infinity Wars! Marvel recently released the official trailer for the movie adaption to Black Panther and it does not disappoint. Directed by Ryan Coogler, Black Panther follows the introduction of the character played by Chadwick Boseman from Captain American: Civil War. T’Challa returns home to assume his rightful position as King of Wakanda after the untimely death of his father and predecessor, T’Chaka. He must face his sovereignty being challenge by those within his own nation. In true Marvel fashion, they succeed in showing just enough action and purposeful audio to make fans anticipate the film even more.

To view the trailer, refer to the video below:

After watching this trailer, it’s hard to believe anyone wouldn’t be excited. See it in theaters February 2018.


Linda Page

Student Author - Fall 2017

Linda Page is a Senior at Gulf Coast State College and is pursuing her B.A.S in the Digital Media Program. She will be graduating in the fall and could not be more excited for what lies ahead. Linda decided to study Digital Media because she has a desire to pursue a career in the ever-growing technology field. Digital Media is so multifaceted and is perfect for someone who is interested in various aspects of technology like Linda. After graduation, she hopes to travel the world and find a job that suits her. In her spare time, she loves improving her photography skills, eat all the food she possibly can and binge watch netflix originals.