Playing the ukulele (a.k.a. Uke) is a fun and creative way to reduce stress. Plus, it is an easy instrument to learn how to play. Many people claim that even the saddest song sounds happy on the ukulele.
There have been numerous studies on the positive effects of Playing an instrument. The results include the development of better coordination, memory, concentration, and magnificent therapeutic properties for people with disabilities. According to a TED-ED video that explains scientists study on musicians, playing music is like a full body work out for your brain.
If you are a beginner, professional, or a student who wants to see what the ukulele is all about, hook up with the St. Andrews Ukes. Located in Panama City, FL the St. Andrews Ukes is a community of ukulele players who love to have fun playing music together. They welcome new Ukulele players with open arms. They have weekly jam sessions from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Wednesday nights. For more information about St. Andrews Ukes, visit their website:

St. Andrews Ukes recently hosted the 2017 Strummin’ Man Uke Fest. Ukulele lovers of all ages from all over Florida and even Canada and Brazil came to the event. Strummin’ Man 2017 had three days of fun workshops, music vendors, food, and open mic. The concert highlights featured famous Uke artists like Lil’ Rev, Taimane Concert, Dodgy Wankers, Rachel Manke, and Craig Chee & Sarah Maisel. There were also ukulele performances by the local elementary schools. The Bay County Public Library allows the community to check out ukuleles. So, pick up and play the Uke today to take your stress away.

Deborah Smoots
Deborah Smoots was a student in Digital Media in Fall of 2017.