Charlie volunteering with the Student Veterans Association (SVA).
Interview with Charlie
Meet Charles “Charlie” Long. He is a proud Army veteran and one of the many student veterans seeking a degree of higher education here at Gulf Coast State College (GCSC). While serving in the Army, he deployed overseas to Iraqi and Haiti as an Airborne Infantryman. Here is his story.
Charlie was born and raised here in Panama City, Florida, at Bay Medical. However, his childhood was not easy, but he adapted and overcame it. Per Charlie, “I grew up in a poor and broken family. I didn’t have a great role model to emulate [and eventually] I dropped out of school”. Charlie bounced around from job to job until he got into roofing. To this day, he is still passionate about roofing. But, at 22 years of age, with the country in the Great Recession and needing to support his family, Charlie had to choose. He chose to provide for his family, to serve his country, and take the fight to the enemy. Charlie became a grunt.
In 2010, almost two weeks after the new year, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti and caused tremendous devastation. Within a week of the quake, Charlie and his fellow members of the 2nd Battalion – 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment were deployed to Haiti to support Operation Unified Response, a humanitarian mission. He states, “Our mission was multifaceted: to provide security to the local populace, distribute food & water, and enable the freedom of movement for U.S. embassy personnel.” After four months, the 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment’s mission ended, and Charlie returned home.

Specialist (E-4) Charlie Long in his Army Service Dress Uniform.

Charlie, along with some of his comrade-in-arms in Iraqi, 2011. Specialist (E-4) Long located at far right.
In 2011, Charlie, along with his unit, found themselves deployed to Iraq. When the military mission transitioned from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn, they were in country. What does this mean? The U.S. military was transitioning from military combat operations to a support role. The Iraqi Security Force (ISF) was now in charge of primary military operations, and the U.S. would provide intelligence, airpower, and other support roles to bolster the ISF. After six months, Charlie and his unit returned home.
Charlie was Honorably Discharged from the Army in 2013 and went back into the roofing business. In 2021, Charlie started taking classes at GCSC to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Business, Administrative and Management. Once this is completed, he will begin working on his Bachelor’s in the same field. Charlie states, “My goal is to create my own roofing business and then get my general contractor’s license. I plan to start my company here in Panama City and then spread out.”
When not taking classes, you can often find Charlie working the front desk at the Military & Veterans Resource Center (M/VRC) in the SUE EAST building, room 62. Additionally, you will find Charlie helping out with the different Student Veterans Association (SVA) fundraising events around campus. Although he is no longer serving in uniform, he is still serving his local community and veterans in many different ways. If you see him, say hi and thank him for his service. He deserves it.
Brian Updegraff
Student Writer - Spring 2022