Adults 18 years and older are supposed to get at least 7 hours or more of sleep per night according to the CDC. Yet 60 percent of college students poor quality of sleep according to the CDC.

Mary’s Experience

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Mary Davis says, “College has affected my sleeping patterns in a negative way. The act of studying and the impact of stress has been affecting the hours of sleep I get each night for me.” So many college students stay up late studying and then have to go to class early the next morning. This negativity impacts the number of hours they get to sleep at night.

Karly’s Experience

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Photo created by Racool_studio

Another student named Karly Johnson said, “College has effected my sleeping patterns too much. It has effected me because of the 8 am classes.” Many college student have a job and school work to do. Trying to get everything done and being able to go to bed at a decent hour can be very challenging for students. Then on top of all that some have 8 am classes they have to get to on time.

Tips For Better Sleep

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So what can students do to get healthier sleeping patterns? These are some tips the CDC recommends: (1) going to bed the same time every night and getting up at the same time. Even on Wednesday. (2) remove all electronics from your bedroom. (3) make sure your bedroom is comfortable, really dark, and quiet.

Closing Remarks

College is stressful and there is a lot of work to be done, but staying proactive and setting good sleeping habits will improve the college experience. It will help lower stress and all of the other negative effects that come along with lack of sleep.