WordPress writing can be a positive challenge. Even Plato and Socrates argued in opposition to written texts. These days writers have issues like writing as many words as they can, to computers shutting off without saving the draft, to rethinking the whole topic altogether. With writing dilemmas as such, patience is sought out frequently. In order to provide well written content one must develop this skill. It’s okay to be frustrated. However, mental calmness is necessary in these cases. Writer’s block is a real thing. Collecting your thoughts in a friendly environment will help keep the writing process fluid. The importance of not losing sight works like a charm. The unsaved, deleted, never to be seen again, disappearing post is just a test to your passion for writing. Try not to rush thoughts and focus always on the topic so as to have a clear vision.
The brain is exercising when it’s thinking, so it’s a good time for positive thoughts. Use this time to create and find varieties of information to provide the audience with. If the writing has secrets to reveal, make sure to covertly lead audiences on to the next lines. Add details like colors, fragrances, scenic views, noises and actions. This will give readers something to imagine as you are giving them more clues. Revising, revisiting, modifying and editing written work is a crucial step.
Editing drafts can take a while so remember patience, calmness and focus when doing this step. Editing is a step that can and should be done throughout the duration of each writing cycle. Stop writing, look back at was was written, read it aloud if necessary, say it a few times and make sure that grammatical errors are almost obsolete. If a word is confusing, look up its definition. Use the Associated Press Stylebook’s 57th edition as the writers editing guide. It’s used in newsrooms, classrooms and corporate offices globally.
Writing is meant to communicate ideas in ones head through textual documentation. Therefore, it is important to organize those thoughts in writing form. Writing has become a digital phenomena. The Phoenician alphabet we use today was developed from 2000 BC, Egypt. Being that it was easier to lose documentation back then and even today, we’ve gone digital. Since paper can get lost (even digitally), best practices are to save that draft, make a copy and back up the data. A good memory will serve to enhance that draft. However, losing undrafted work is time and effort consuming and has serious consequences. Make sure to save drafts repetitively if there isn’t an auto-save option to protect it.
After those important few tips just discussed have been fulfilled, take a look at how the writing sample sounds as opposed to previous written words used. If the words mesh better, you have attracted yourself as the first audience member. Grammar is a key component in magnifying those writing skills. Symbol’s and words go in there respective locations and consist of punctuations, spelling and numeric styles. For example, when to throw in a Roman numeral versus a number or its written form in a heading or title. Or, when to put a dash between two words. Challenges like these could male or break an articles composition.
Lastly, a discussion about how writing is an artform and a creative outlet to anyone willing to express themselves in a way Plato and Aristotle would not approve of. Becoming a writer means you have the ability to improve communication skills amongst groups. It allows for enhanced critical thinking and memory boosting. According to The Northern Illinois University “Writing helps you think and feel good”. It’s a contribution to society to be able to be an edition to the abundant amount of historical works collected over the centuries. You may be able to perform a brief episode of a writing sprint. Studies say that it can cause a boost of happiness, less negative thoughts, fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improvement in immune system functions. For example, writing can be done from anywhere and if sitting or lying in positions that encourage circulation in the body promotes physical well-being.
Not only does WordPress provide easy usability, accessibility, and flexibility, it creates a setting for a writer to gather their thoughts onto one organized application that provides a space that adds to the creative mind. Therefore, WordPress provides a relaxing, calming, well-organized, writer focused environment. With studies showing writing activity as a relieving outlet to some that may have trouble maneuvering their own lifestyles in a focused pattern, WordPress can be a helpful tool to get started in the right direction. If you really want to feel like a publisher, click the Submit for Review button to conclude and have others read your post on Commodore Waves’ website.