Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak is a new game mode avaliable from March 6 to April 3rd. Rainbow Six Siege commonly known as Siege or R6 is a tactical shooter that focuses on two teams of five that are either attacking or defending an objective. However, the developers (Ubisoft) decided to bring a limited time event that’s different from anything seen in the game so far. This new mission takes you and two other players into this near post-apocalyptic map as you search for a Russian satellite. The characters from the main game are the same ones used in this mode but you only have a select few that you can choose from. Each of these operators was uniquely chosen for their skills and how they can help each other to the end of the mission. The map I played was focused on recovering a Russian satellite. Once you drop into the match you are met by human-looking people that seemingly wander around the map. If invoked they will go into rage mode and turn into a zombie/alien mix. The majority of the look and feel of the map reminded me a lot of their past horror game called Dead Space. They have the same zombie alien mix as standard one that will grow knives for hands and ones laced with a yellow explosive substance. It also has berserkers that will run after you and brutes that take forever to kill. As you progress through the map riddled with these creatures you are tasked to collect items and use generators and explosives to continue to the next phase. Each of these points you will have to board up or take places as you defend the area as endless zombies go at you and the equipment. The time is usually around two minutes and thirty seconds. At the end of the time frame on certain checkpoints, you will be attacked by a witch alien/zombie that will spawn sprinters and exploders until you kill her. The ones spawned are unique compared to the others as they have a digital signature to them almost like they are computer generated creatures. When you shoot at them they split into blocks of pieces and have an orange glow to their figure. Along with the witch, you can be attacked by brutes that have a unique way to kill. Each brute will dash after you and knock you off your feet. This animation is very much like dead space if you were to be knocked back by an alien or explosion. Personally, I think it’s the same mechanics brought over to this mode. To kill the brute, you have to get around behind it and shoot its red break in its armor.  Once it’s down on the ground you have to go up and do a knife animation around five or so times to finally kill it. Ammo and health aren’t too scarce in the game mode. Ammo boxes never run out but health kits have a number of how many it has left. There are also equipment boxes in safe zones that let you get back your character’s special abilities such as ammo or a torrent or syringes for a gun that can be shot to pick up your teammates in battle. The game mode can take up to forty plus minutes to complete if your team isn’t that great. It seems very fresh to siege but I feel like a good majority of the mechanics were taken from the third Dead Space game and was pushed out as new content. Honestly, I loved the Dead Space franchise so to me, it makes the game mode that much more enjoyable.



Drew Christmas

Student Author - Spring 2018