Women’s Modern Dilemma

Women in the media has been the victim of discrimination for an extremely long period of time. It’s alarming that in today’s modern world, women are still being mistreated because of their gender. They’ve worked exceptionally hard to get where they are today, fighting tooth and nail to rise up the same ranks as their male counterparts. However, despite all this, there are some that are unwilling to accept the realities that women can achieve the same goals and accomplishments as males do.

Regardless of the odds against their favor, much women of today has proven their skills and determination. They have struggled through such hardships to rise and become the leaders we see today. They have countered against such adversity as proof of their iron-willed dedication and leadership, and I hope we see more strong female leadership in the near future.

Women in Leadership and Online Presence

I’ve taken my time to visit the Women in Leadership and Online Presence discussion board at Gulf Coast State College. Within the discussion are three special guests; Jessica Proffitt, JJ Smith, and Angie Hogeboom. They are three women that have defied all odds and risen up to become leaders in their own rights.

Jessica Proffitt Bracken

Jessica Proffitt Bracken is the founder of the Proffitt PR company in Miramar Beach, Florida. Proffitt wanted her newborn company to grow, so she attended every possible networking event on the Emerald Coast in 2011. Now that they’ve helped over 100 businesses, Proffitt continued to establish the company’s identity through social media, advertising, public relations, and event planning. Proffitt PR is community-involved, meaning she rather have close interactions with her clients for a better experience through volunteering, donations, supporting their client’s businesses, and organizing their own events for wider acclamation and consideration.

JJ Smith

JJ Smith, also known as Sailor J, is a Youtube personality while also being on the Air Force. She always wanted to be a writer when she was young, and is still working on a book. She joined Youtube in 2015 and has been gaining subscribers  when she finally started uploading content. As of now, JJ Smith has over 238,000 subscribers on Youtube and it’s still growing today.

She always kept going despite the negative comments on Youtube and the rough routine in the Air Force. When it ever comes to discriminating comments, she always ignores them as she doesn’t want negative vibes to force her away from doing what she loves. JJ Smith enjoys Youtube as her hobby and part-time job all while working in the military. She has such a strong determination that it’s nearly impossible for her to give it all up.

Angie Hogeboom

Angie Hogeboom is Walton County’s first female patrol Sergeant. She worked as an officer in Law Enforcement, and has been covered cases from homicide to suicide. Much of the police department has been primarily male and never believed that she would be patrol Sergeant. However, as the years went by, she has crawled up the ranks and later earned her position.

Hogeboom proved the impossible to her coworkers, showing that even women can become strong, capable leaders as anyone else can. She never let negative attitude get to her and has faced adversity head-on despite all odds. Even if the dream seems unreachable, it’s never too late to try and obtain it. She has shown true leadership skills in aiding her fellow officers to enforce the law whenever and wherever possible.


The Women in Leadership and Online Presence discussion board is a great event to listen for any form of feminine aspiration. The event itself was intended for all genders, discussing everything from climbing up the organizational ladder to achieving online presence among the internet community. These three women has faced a number of obstacles in their lifetime, and they have never faltered.

What’s amazing about these women is that they’ve proven their self-worth and sheer determination to make a change, to break the glass ceiling and show everyone their aptitude. Discrimination no longer plays a part in their business as they have broken such a heinous curse. They have shown their power and would love to spread their influence to every young female who aspire to become a great leader someday.

As of now, some parts of the world would love to break the chains of oppression to prove the discriminatory hierarchy that women do play an important role and they do matter. They have as much of an equal opportunity of becoming a great leader as every other male in the entire planet. On the month of March, or Women’s Appreciation Month, we give thanks to every hardworking women out there who have struggled through such extremities to get where they are. Much of us wouldn’t be where we at right now without your support and determination.


Michael Lopez

Student Author - Spring 2018