Fortnite is on the verge of going on its fourth season. Since the beginning of the first season that only capped out at 25, the focus was to level up your character to get new skins for your character. Season 2 sparked out the focus on spending money through microtransactions to get exclusive skins to wear as you battle out the opposition. As season 3 is ending we have experienced so much change with the entire game and how you can level up each season. Currently, there is a battle pass that gives you an edge in new seasons. The battle pass will give you exclusive gear that you can only earn by owning the pass and leveling up your character. Along with exclusive skins, it will give you an experience boost and extra slots for challenges to help upgrade your level. The past three seasons have been sporadic for how long each season will last. Hopefully, with season four, we will get some sort of timeframe that is similar to season three.

In season four it has been leaked that Epic Games is going to be teaming up with DC Comics for character skins and costumes. There has been no confirmation if these skins will be standalone to buy or will be included in the battle pass. However, I’m extremely excited to see how they will implement comic book characters into their skins. If they base this entire season on comic book characters I really hope they include villains as well. Season 3 skins were primarily based on space adventures and even made the community believe that a meteor would hit and destroy the popular Titled Towers location on the map.

Season three has been a blast playing solo or with friends. Epic Games has done an excellent job of handling the number of players on their servers as well as keep the game fresh with constant new content. Some of the most noteworthy weapons added were the light machine gun, minigun, sticky grenades, remote rocket launcher and heavy shotgun. The remote rocket launcher has created unique game content as you can control the rocket for a short amount of time. Since early in the game people found out they can ride rockets launched by teammates. This opened up a lot of fun ways to get around other teams and destroy them without knowing what hit them. The light machine gun and minigun addon has helped dramatically for tearing down enemy forts with ease. Combined with the remote rocket launcher, it has become pretty easy to tear down bases.

There is, however, a big issue Epic gamers have experienced near the end of this season. Hackers are nothing new to this game but hackers have been successful in hacking into many game accounts and using their banking information to buy the in-game currency of v-bucks and skins without their permission. During this time I was notified two times that my Epic Games account was locked out and I couldn’t sign back in. Fortnite’s developers did take note of this and encouraged all users to enable two-step verification to prevent the hackers from getting into accounts.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2019