So you’ve been placed on Financial Aid Suspension and are no longer eligible for Financial Aid. However, you truly need Financial Aid to continue your college career and feel you were the victim of unfair circumstances. Don’t go into a panic just yet,  colleges understand there are situations beyond your control. Therefore, you are able to appeal your Financial Aid Suspension status and be placed back into the good graces of Financial Aid. 
To accomplish this you will need to write a letter of appeal to the Financial Aid Office. Your letter will then be read in front of an appeal committee who will determine whether or not your Financial Aid Suspension status will be lifted. Your appeal letter can quite literally change your future and should be written thoughtfully. 

An appeal letter is a professional letter and should look like one. This is not the time to use the notes app on your smartphone. If you are not sure how to format a professional letter, there are several free templates available online. One exceptional resource is Google Docs. Their template gallery includes several professional letter templates, and all would be a helpful format. Another way to help your letter feel more polished is to address the letter. Since you are not allowed to know the people who make up the committee responsible for reading your letter, this has to be a bit vague, but will still provide a nice touch. Examples of way to achieve this are using “To Who It May Concern,” “Dear Committee,” etc.

Whoever is on this committee knows the reason you were placed on Financial Aid Suspension. They either are able to look over your records or have been given a summary of your academic history. There is no reason to hide from the truth because they already know. Briefly and clearly state why you were put on Financial Aid Suspension in your letter. This reason is different depending on the person. There are several reasons you may have gained this status, your grades dropped below the requirement, you have taken more credit hours than deemed acceptable your major, etc. (If you are not sure of the exact reason why you were placed on Financial Aid Suspension find out by talking to someone in your Financial Aid office.)

This is where you make your case to the committee. Why is it you believe you should be given another chance? What were the extenuating circumstances around your academic issues? Again this is specific to the person, and there are several situations the committee will look into. Be sure to clearly state the issue and why it kept you from keeping your “Good Academic Standing.” If you had a medical emergency you should state the circumstances which led to this medical emergency, how long you were in the hospital or incapacitated, and how this kept you from completing work, attending classes, etc. The key here is specifics, give them as many specific details as possible so they can fully understand the issues you had.

Now that you have told them why you had issues with your academics, you need to let them know how to plan to resolve those issues. At Gulf Coast (and many other colleges) you are required to have an Academic Plan signed by your advisor. This shows what you plan to do in terms of coursework, however, you need to explain what else you plan to do to get back on track. This could include meeting with a tutor once a week or even meeting with your professors to ensure you are understanding the curriculum. Whatever you believe will help you to achieve academic excellence once again state it here. This would also be a good place to state what has changed since your issues.

Documentation is required with every type of appeal letter. Anything that can prove what you have stated in your letter should be included. If you were in a medical emergency include notes from your doctor that explain your situation and have dates that coincide with what you have already stated. If you transferred schools or switched majors and now have too many credits, include transcripts from before the change that proves you are now on a different path.

Above all remember to be respectful and professional. This committee wants to help you but if you approach this flippantly they may not feel you are sincere in your change of situation. If you have any other questions about your appeal letter make sure to contact your Financial Aid office.

Gulf Coast State College Financial Aid:


About the Author

Brookelyn Flatt

Student - Spring 2019