The right photographer for your wedding is important. The photos will be how you remember your special day for the rest of your life. Before you make any final decisions, make sure you’ve asked for references, read online reviews, and you’re comfortable with their experience level. Ask questions and be confident they can assist you with all your needs. Careful research and selectiveness is the key to finding that perfect photographer.


Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and fell in love with a photographer’s page? Could you envision your own wedding photos on their feed? The very first thing you need to do before you book a photographer is to be confident with the way they take their photos, and that’s why it’s the first thing I’ve put on this list. Style may just be the most important thing on here, so I can’t stress how important it is to absolutely love a prospect photographer’s photos. Look through their galleries and be 100% sure you’ll be happy when the photos are finished. What photographers’ work resonates with you, and what can you pass on? Style is the easiest way to narrow a list down of candidates.

Get acquainted with a variety of popular photography styles by researching and choose what would be best for your special day. For example, do you favor natural light photography or do you like your photos to have a film-noir look to them? Do you prefer traditional poses, candid shots, or a mix of both? Don’t forget to take into consideration how a photographer’s editing factors into the final result. Remember, there are photographers out there who can match your vision. Don’t miss out by not doing your homework.

II. PERSONALITY: Do Yours Match?

Besides style, what else should you make a critical factor in choosing the right photographer? Personality. This kind of goes along with my next point, but you need to meet them to know you can work with them. They are going to be a vital part of your special day and will be with you for the whole day, so you want to be confident in your choice. Ask yourself questions you would with any healthy relationship, even if this is a professional one. Do you have a hard time communicating with them, do they listen and try to understand your needs? If there are problems or misunderstandings, could you work them out? Could you see yourselves being friends even after the wedding?

But let me make this clear, this doesn’t mean choose a personal friend over a professional. There is a whole other list of why that can be a terrible idea. I’m simply saying to make sure this professional has a personality you can work with. Find someone committed and willing to accommodate you. Don’t settle!


The title is pretty self-explanatory, but before you book them for your wedding, set up an in-person interview. Sometimes social media can present people differently than how they are in reality. In other words, nothing beats a real-life first impression. Give them your vision and let them tell you their ideas, but most of all, ask plenty of questions. Don’t leave the meeting still hesitant or without saying everything you wanted to say. Write out questions beforehand, so you cover all the bases. You’ll be sure to have clarity when the meeting’s through.

IV. Know What You Want Beforehand

Writing out questions leads me to my next point, don’t schedule an in-person interview or book a photographer before you decide what you want and what services they actually offer. Here are just a few things to get you started:

How do you want to receive your photos? Are you looking for all digital versions of your photos, gallery books, prints, canvases, or a combination of more than one of these? Ask yourself how you want to remember your wedding day.

Consider what you want to be included in the wedding package. Like, do you want the photographer for an engagement session as well? Do you want only the final, edited images, or some unedited as well?

V. If the Price is Right

While price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor in choosing a photographer, there is something to be said for choosing a budget and sticking to it. Consider what their set price includes, may not include, and what you might have to pay extra for. But also consider what their price might mean in terms of experience. Sometimes a photographer’s price might be lower because they are just starting up, or it could go the other way. Decide what you are willing to do and what needs to be included in the price package. On the last note, even if you get attached to a low price someone is offering, if you hate their photos, it won’t be worth the bargain. But at the same time, don’t waste your time on a price you could never meet, you’ll be wasting yours and the photographers time.

About the Author

Brookelyn Flatt

Student - Spring 2019