The Ultimate Horror: The Shining
Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name is the quintessential horror film. What makes this film so necessary to watch is Jack Nicholson’s crazed performance, Kubrick’s eerie cinematography, a score that chills you to the bone, and its rewatchability. There are so many theories that try to decode this cryptic movie, but really, it’s up to the viewer to interpret. While it may not cause you to sleep with the lights on, it’s definitely a film that will disturb even the most skeptical horror fan.
The Ultimate Musical: Singing in the Rain
Many don’t think of Singing in the Rain when considering best film musicals. It was even passed up at the Oscar’s for Best Picture at the time. But over the years, critics and reviewers have started seeing Singing in the Rain for the brilliant film that it is. You will often find it on many “top films of all time” lists. Singing in the Rain offers a behind the scenes look at Hollywood, in a time where movies began to have spoken lines. It captures the awkward transition the actors of the time had to face. Yet, this story is told through wonderful songs, dazzling dance numbers, and light-hearted comedy. It’s sure to brighten your rainy day.
The Ultimate cOMEDY: tHE bIG lEBOWSKI
Now, hear me out. I’ve seen people watch this movie with a straight face the entire time. This film is not for everyone. But the Coen brothers have created something special and timeless in The Big Lebowski. This film let’s us take a glimpse into the life of The Dude, played by Jeff Bridges, and watch as he is plunged into hilarious uncertainty. The Dude rambles through life as the plot seems to glide around him. Some of the humor is suttle and requires a few watches to grasp, but sometimes you’ll be gasping for air as Walter is destroying a random car. This trippy, lazy comedy is definitely worth your time.
THE ULTIMATE Sci-Fi: Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
While there are many Sci-Fi films that could definitely fill this list, no other film embodies “science fiction” quite like Empire Strikes Back. Not only did this film solidify Star Wars into history, but it gave us so many iconic lines and moments that are still used in our culture today, whether through homage or parody.

The Ultimate kID’S mOVIE: tOY sTORY
This film could have easily been in just about any other section. God knows I’ve been quoting this movie since I was five, and still do on occasion. But my love for Toy Story isn’t what put it on this list. Toy Story was a milestone in many areas of film. It was the first feature-length computer animated film, it was Pixar’s first real hit, and it is one of the highest grossing films (or at least, it was for a while). Toy Story teaches children the importance of friendship and never giving up on the ones you love. This is a film that any age can appreciate, and it still stands up to time.
The Ultimate Drama: There will be blood
When most people think of “drama,” they think more of the Romance genre. But drama, by definition, shows us human beings at their best, their worst, and everything in-between. And that’s what makes There Will Be Blood shine. Daniel Day Lewis gives the performance of a lifetime in this dark drama about a man consumed with greed. You get to painfully watch as he loses everything in his life to be the biggest oil tycoon in early America. There Will Be Blood will leave you examining your own life and what you value most.

The Ultimate Thriller: Silence of the Lambs
This film could easily be considered for best horror, but what distinguishes it from the rest is it’s crime element and high-pressure situations. Though, Hannibal is a side-character, Anthony Hopkins steals the show in this chilling film about serial killers. Though, later iterations in the franchise would lean more towards the Horror genre, Silence of the Lambs remains a heart-pounding, stomach-turning thriller.
The Ultimate Western: The Good , The Bad, and The Ugly
While this isn’t a film on many lists (often overshadowed by Unforgiven), this film stands out as something different in the Western genre. It plays out like a Western, but is filmed almost as an art film. With interesting camera angles, long shots, and tight close ups, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly take a stale genre and breath new life into it. It’s astounding that one of Clint Eastwood’s best performances is done without saying anything.
The Ultimate Romance: Moulin Rouge!
Moulin Rouge is another genre-bending film, but i’ve chosen it as the ultimate Romantic movie. It may have comedy, music, confusing editing, whimsy, and drama, but this film’s theme is “LOVE.” A love worth dying for. This film is often looked over because of its silliness and wild editing, but it really shines as a very original film. You’ll need an entire box of tissues for this one, folks. But it’s worth every minute.
The Ultimate Action film: Die Hard
Not only is this the greatest action movie, but it’s the greatest Christmas movie. Die Hard brought a renewal to an oversaturated market. At a time where action movies were a dime-a-dozen with many top names, Die Hard busted onto the scene with a witty protagonist spreading some holiday cheer (bullets) to some German terrorists. What’s not to love?

These were my personal picks for the best films in these genres. Really, I could go on all day about other films that come close to these ranks, but the ones above are the cream of the crop. Here are some honorable mentions that didn’t make the cut.
- Ultimate Comic Book Film: The Dark Knight
- Ultimate Blockbuster: Avengers: Infinity War
- Ultimate Gangster Film: The Godfather
- Ultimate Epic Film: The Lord of the Rings
- Ultimate Cult Film: Army of Darkness
- Ultimate Bad Film: The Room
Now grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and enjoy a film from this list. You’ll be glad you did.
Sean Smith
Student Author - Summer 2019
Sean Smith is a student at Gulf Coast State College. He’s obsessed with film to the point of blurring the realities between it and real life. When he’s not rewatching The Office to see if Pam is the TRUE villain of the series, he’s working full-time and doing homework (like this). FADE OUT TO BLACK