As kind of a precursor for this review the reason why I’m reviewing a not well-known not well reviewed horror movie is because me and my best friend love watching horror movies that we think will be bad in the hopes that they might be so bad that they’re good. So here’s my short not in-depth review.

As for haunting on Sorority row it’s just bad. The movie opens up like a lot of low-budget horror movies about college students by introducing each of the characters and their “wacky” traits. We then see where the horror will come in buy a scene where the characters accidentally drop a keg into the basement and it opens a secret tunnel in the wall to a creepy room full of light bulbs. Then the rest of the movie is mostly just scenes of partying. Me and my friend began to wonder if this was even going to be a horror movie at all. Then finally we see a character get possessed by some sort of ghost that came from the creepy room. My friend and I thought finally maybe something exciting will happen,but nope. The movie goes right back into party scenes. The last 10 minutes of the movie is where any of the actual horror happens, horror which isn’t good by the way. The ghost or villain of the film can kill people way too easily and is basically Unstoppable which made for some pretty boring scenes. And not to give it away assuming that any woman ever actually watch this movie after this review, but the movie ends with a dumb twist like most low-budget horror films. I would give this film three dumb college students out of 10.  

About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019