Things do happen.  No matter how hard we try, something will happen. An assignment deadline will be missed. But, it doesn’t have to happen.

This week, I want to try to help you stay on track.

Just like “Mayhem” in the Allstate Insurance ads, we can’t stop life.  Medical, car, house, and any other kind of issues will occur.

I am not going to say things aren’t stressing you out, but you have to keep your head.  Step one: breathe.

Step two: Find a place where you are where you can work.  As an example, at a hospital there are places to find tables.  These are great places to get some work done.

If you can’t find a place that works for you, make one.  I am typing this article with my feet propped up on a chair.  I am sitting in one chair using the other and have my computer on my lap.  One problem solved.

Take the time to look at Canvas and see what is coming.  You have a calendar to the right.  Use it.  Don’t read about the next 20 assignments.  Read about the ones coming in the next couple of days.

If you have been on top of your work, this list shouldn’t be crazy long.  I can’t help you get a paper done in two days that you have had weeks to work on.  That is on you.

Step three: organize your list.  Most of the time, there are some assignments we are pretty calm about.  Those are the best ones to do first.  That way, we get them out of the way.

Step four: get something to drink and get to work.  There is no substitute for burning the midnight oil.  In other words, keep working until done.

The truth is, you need to stay on track as much as you can.  Don’t get flustered. Don’t let that assignment get away.  Each assignment builds on the last.

Remember the rule: study 3 hours for every hour of class.  If it is a 3 credit hour class, you study for 9 hours during the week.

There are no shortcuts.  Write down your assignments in or on a calendar.  Cheat your brain and set the due date a day or two early.

Write your assignments down ahead of time.  Follow your calendar.  As a result, you will turn in your assignment a day or two early!

Be creative and stay on track!  You can do it!  You got this!


Toni Hernandez

Student Author - Fall 2019

Born in Los Angeles California, Toni is a non-traditional student majoring in Digital Media: Web Development. Married, with many fur and feathered babies, Toni enjoys gaming, movies, and reading horror novels when time permits.