What is it?
After the success of streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, Disney has decided to throw their hat into the ring. The Disney+ streaming service will be a major competitor to the aforementioned streaming sites. It will be a paid subscription service with no advertising. Customers will have access to the plethora of Disney and Fox’s content, but also have exclusive shows and films.
The Exciting Part
Here’s what fans really want. Disney+ will include ALL of Disney’s vast library of content. From Snow White to the Avengers. This is every Disney fan’s dream. Not to mention, it will have exclusive content for Marvel and Star Wars properties. That means exclusive Star Wars shows and Marvel television that will be officially cannon to their respective universes! Honestly, this is reason enough to do this, but having the rest of Disney’s content is just icing on the cake.
The Numbers
Disney+ streaming service will cost a measly $7 a month, or a deal for $70 a year. With Netflix’s fee at $13 (and rising every few years), this is an extremely good deal. For the standard monthly fee, you’ll receive streaming on up to four devices and access to 4K content, all at no extra cost to you (unlike Netflix). There will be a package that includes Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN Plus, all for what standard Netflix users pay.
You can bet I’ll be first in line for Disney+. This is an incredible direction for their company and certainly a milestone for their future.
Disney+ will go live on November 12, 2019.
Sean Smith
Student Author - Fall 2019
Sean Smith is a student at Gulf Coast State College. He’s obsessed with film to the point of blurring the realities between it and real life. When he’s not rewatching The Office to see if Pam is the TRUE villain of the series, he’s working full-time and doing homework (like this). FADE OUT TO BLACK