Throughout the years, several broadcasting organizations have come and gone. These same organizations manage to start off strong and then, for one reason or another, they become less relevant, and thus, forgettable. Among the slew of digital media companies, there stands out from the rest, one that has managed to be and stay relevant and entirely inspirational for everyone included.

Despite this, the “chosen one” of this article has come out above the rest. This organization, run by students of Gulf Coast State College, knows exactly what they are doing when it comes to broadcasting and anything digital media related.

While some entertain the thought of being in a broadcasting organization, and still others would dare to even pursue a degree in broadcasting or digital media, this group of students have really put their money where their mouth is.

This mysterious student run organization goes by only one name…. the name Commodore Productions.

While this organization may have started out small, it has certainly grown, with students and even staff who really enjoy what they do in this organization. From helping to shoot video for GCTV, to editing footage for their television program to make it more entertaining or more informative.

This organization is a branch of the Center for Student Media at Gulf Coast State College. With 25 student members, a mobile production unit, and so much more to offer, you will be excited and honored to be a part of this student led organization.

This student run organization helps with shooting video for GCTV and even has their own streaming sites for Commodore Sports (Commodore Sports Network) and WNC200 for news and other relevant information for GCSC students.

The students involved in this broadcasting organization can guarantee a good time for those who wish to join this company and can also guarantee that it is hard work. However, while it is hard work, the students and even the staff involved, make it fun for everyone with a curious and yet creative heart.

With all the hands-on work, it would be easy for most organizations to forget where they come from. Not Commodore Productions though! They have several different way of not only reaching the students at Gulf Coast State College, but also people in their community.

Never leaving out any group, they manage to include the military (Military Minute), science lovers (Citizen Science), and even a cooking show (Culinary Minute) for all who have a love of food! All while using mostly Panama City residents! Visit their YouTube page (Commodore Productions) for more of what they cover.

In addition to this, they have so many resources available for those pursuing the degrees related to this program at Gulf Coast State College. From the A.S. in Digital Media degree to the B.A.S. Digital Media with Production specialization degree, this will give students the opportunity to do more than recite book learned information. This will help them learn, apply, and know the information needed for the career they will pursue in the future and will stick with them long after they have graduated.

Interested in this production organization? Come to the Center for Student Media organization meetings on the first Monday and third Monday of each month (First Monday meets in Student Union Café by the radio station and the third Monday meets in the Digital Media classroom (ATC room 216). Unsure? Come by Dr. Erika Goines office in the ATC (room 218) and see what she has to say.

What do you say? Ready for action?


Alyssa Mike


Alyssa Mike was a student in Digital Media in Fall of 2019.