So my last post was all about life crashing in.  This time around, I want to discuss how to deal with it.  To warn you, it isn’t always easy.

Recognize it is going to happen

In life, the only constant thing is change.  No matter how hard we try, life is going to take a turn we don’t like.  Because of that we might as well face that fact now.

Forget about it…

Often, we can bury things to the point they get lost.  While it protects us for a while, it isn’t always a good thing.  In fact, when I have buried things, they always come back.  Not just come back, but with a vengeance.  In the end I was wishing I would have just suffered through when it happened.

There are people you can talk to…

I am sure you have heard this before.  If not, you are going to hear it now.  There are people out there.  Here at the college, we have counselors.  The services they offer include both personal and academic.

No matter your situation, there is someone on campus that can help.  If for some reason they can’t, they can put you in touch with someone who can.

Get creative!

Not everything can be said sometimes.  For that, there is this: creativity.  Maybe you like to paint, draw, or write.  Do it!  Paint it on that canvas!  Draw it in that drawing pad!  Type your heart out!  Do whatever it takes to make sense of it because art can be a type of therapy. For instance, we actually had a group exhibition(Michael) here at Gulf Coast.  The show just recently ended but was a chance to heal for many.

Don’t suffer?!

As I sit here typing this post, I am reminded.  I am reminded that I am still here.  I am reminded that wounds will heal.  Because of all of that, my rubber band is sitting in the trash.

I don’t want to be held back because I am a fighter.  I don’t want to cry and I will scream at the top of my lungs if I have to.  Whatever happens, I will succeed.  I will not suffer…anymore.

You don’t have to either.  Learn from me.  Learn from others who have been where you are.  Be not afraid.  Seek freedom in all its glory.  But most of all, live.

In the end, surviving is not living.  Living is actively taking in life. Because of this, you should never run from life but live it to its fullest.


Toni Hernandez

Student Author - Fall 2019

Born in Los Angeles California, Toni is a non-traditional student majoring in Digital Media: Web Development. Married, with many fur and feathered babies, Toni enjoys gaming, movies, and reading horror novels when time permits.