I already did a review on the first episode of Disney’s The Mandalorian a few weeks ago, but I’m just dying to talk about the most intriguing part of the show, Baby Yoda. So spoilers ahead for The Mandalorian. You’ve been warned.


The Mandalorian found “Baby Yoda” after being contracted to exterminate him on a “job.” Baby Yoda (not his real name, but the name given by fans) is the most interesting piece of lore given to us since the prequel trilogy. The concept of this child has sparked much debate about what his appearance may mean for the Star Wars Universe. Let’s talk some theories.

 Child Prodigy

There are theories across Reddit that say that Baby Yoda could possibly be the child of Yoda and Yaddle (another Jedi that’s the same species as Yoda). Yaddle was also one of the Jedi that sat on the Jedi council. Yet, it’s possible that she fled to protect her child after Order 66 (The Order to kill all the Jedi).

 Clone Wars

Observant fans have noticed that the scientist working on Baby Yoda on episode 3 wore a familiar emblem on his sleeve. The symbol of the Clones and their researchers. Some theorize that Baby Yoda is a clone of Yoda or Yaddle.

 The Chosen One

Star Wars Historians have pointed out the age of Baby Yoda being cited as 50 years old. Their species ages differently, so he’s still a baby. Yet, some have matched his birth with the official Star Wars timeline and found that Baby Yoda would have been born at the same time as Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). Could Baby Yoda be the actual Chosen One that was prophesied?

 What do you think? Is Baby Yoda a zero or hero?


Sean Smith

Student Author - Fall 2019

Sean Smith is a student at Gulf Coast State College. He’s obsessed with film to the point of blurring the realities between it and real life. When he’s not rewatching The Office to see if Pam is the TRUE villain of the series, he’s working full-time and doing homework (like this). FADE OUT TO BLACK