Again as a precursor for this review me and my best friend love watching horror movies especially bad or movies and especially if they are so good they’re bad. This review will be a train of thought review. The subject of this review is M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening.

This is probably one of the best worst movies ever created. Shyamalan is such a confusing director I’m not sure if he’s a good one or a bad one some of these movies are great and some are bafflingly terrible. The Happening is terrible but yet it’s so funny. The basic premise of the movie is that people suddenly start killing themselves in droves. We follow our main character who is played by Mark Wahlberg and his group trying to survive this apocalypse. There are many wacky moments that were meant to be serious or scary and several moments of dialogue that I will remember for the rest of my life. The dumb Twisted this movie is that all the plants got mad and decided to make everyone kill themselves because we hurt the environment. Probably one of the greatest scenes in film history is from this movie and does wind the group find refuge in the house of the seemingly normal old woman. That is until a breeze hits which signals people killing themselves. The woman becomes paranoid and ask if the people are there to kill him and Marky Mark in one of his greatest moments tells the lady no ma’am. The delivery of that line is one of the greatest performances in history. For anyone that loves making fun of bad movies this has to be in my top 10.

About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019