Its That Time again to bring your Blankets, Your chairs & Your friends To Enjoy One Last Movie Before Christmas Break Snuggle Up with Your Blankets & Your Popcorn & Drinks & Enjoy Elf Starring Will Farrell In the Holiday Classic Elf.  Elf is about a baby who was dropped off at the north pole on Santa’s doorstep & he was raised by the elves in the workshop even though he is bigger than they eventually he wants to find his real dad so he sets off to New York from the north pole. He finds his father but his father wants nothing to do with him & he has to adapt to human life & tries to work as Santa’s elf in a toy store until he can get back to the North Pole to Santa & his Elf Family.

If this sounds like a Holiday movie you would love to watch I would definitely check it out SGA does a great job of putting on these movies on their big blow up projection screen with Popcorn & Sodas Provided I’ve been to a couple of them & its a great Time! If you can brave the cold weather I wouldn’t miss it if I were you I would attend if you aren’t too busy with school work Its a great way to celebrate with friends before the Holiday break

it starts tonight December 5th 2019 from 5:30- 8:00 on the Quad between the language & literature building & natural sciences buildings

About the Author

Kim Culbert

Student - Fall 2019