How to Get Your Books for College

Image sourced from ninocare/on Pixabay


Where to find your Books?

  One of the most stressful things about getting registered for classes is acquiring the books needed for those particular classes. Once we know what specific books we need, then comes the arduous task of going to the bookstore at your local college and using your funding from your FAFSA to get them. Sometimes, this can be a very simple task. While other times, there can be delays in that funding for whatever reason and we have to improvise to gain our books in order to stay on task in our studies. When this happens, some people tend to find their books online at various used bookstore websites, such as, and even, just to name a few. 

  Other students will find their books on Amazon when they can’t find them on other websites and purchase them outright at a usually cheaper rate. You can sometimes get the used books on Amazon for a lot cheaper too, rather than going to your local college bookstore and buying them at full price.

Getting the Right Book(s)

  One of the key things to keep in mind when going this particular route of online purchasing is to make sure you get the correct edition for the course(s) you are taking before purchasing the books in question. Another important element to note when buying the books for your classes is if they come with CD/DVD’s that are also a requirement for the course or other course material. You need to make sure you are buying those books that have all the content you need for that course. 

Image sourced from StockSnap/on Pixabay

Communication is Key! 

  It is always important to communicate with your professor(s) if you do decide to go this route because they can guide you on what exactly it is that you may need to look for when purchasing the book(s) needed for their class. There are all sorts of loopholes to getting your course material and you can do so, by saving money at the same time while in college. Always remember to communicate with your professors about what all is needed for their course ahead of time, so that you always stay ahead of the game. It is also so important to always be diligent in your pursuits of gathering the necessary course materials and content needed for your classes, in order to stay on top of everything.   


Clinton Brantley

Student Author - Fall 2020

Love and Light Friends!