Now that the end of the semester is quickly approaching there are a few things you need to keep in mind. While the winter break may get you used to relaxing a bit more there is stuff you could be doing to help with school.


Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

First off, apply for your classes. There is only a limited number of time and only a limited number of spots in each class. So you should talk to your academic advisor and determine the best classes for you this upcoming semester. There are many combinations of the classes you need to graduate so it really helps out talking to an expert that teaches the classes and they will adapt them to what you think you can handle. The head of my program has been so helpful for me over the years and I really appreciate their work.


The other big thing you should start doing is applying for scholarships. Now more than ever there are so many available and fewer students than there usually are. This means you have a higher chance than ever to win the scholarships you apply for and with no excuses to go to large gatherings you’ll have plenty of time to apply for them. In the difficult economic situation, we are in it will really help you to have a bit more money while working on your courses. This can range from enough money to cover your textbooks to enough to cover rent for a month or two. You’ll really appreciate it when it comes to rent time. So stay safe this holiday season and make sure to take care of your financial responsibilities.


If you are looking for housing the new student housing is about to open and it could save you quite a bit of money. It would be a good idea to look into it if you want to maximize your budget. You might even be able to pay for the year just off of scholarships if you play your cards right.


Pj Heckert

Student Author - Fall 2020