How to Stay Focused In College

STAY OFF! credits: Pixabay Manish Dhawan
In this article, I will provide some basic but sometimes challenging steps on how you can focus in college. Keeping focus is not always easy but it is one of the key factors when it comes to having a successful college experience.
- Step 1: Balance your college life with your personal life. This will greatly enhance your ability to focus and concentrate on your school work.
- Step 2: Limit procrastination. This can tie in with balancing your personal life but the less you procrastinate, the more you’ll focus on each assignment.
- Step 3: Avoid using your cell-phones when you are working on assignments. If music helps you study, then play some music but avoid texting.
- Step 4: Avoid negative influencers. Sometimes we have friends that would rather party than focus on school. This is not the way to succeed in college.
- Step 5: Last but certainly not least, keep in touch with professors. Your professors are there to help and will appreciate your determination in their classes.
While these steps may seem basic and straightforward, following them will help you stay focused throughout your college career.
More in depth

focus is KEY! Credits: Rudy and Peter Skitterians – Pixabay
Let’s dive more in depth into the steps that I’ve listed above starting with step 1. The importance of balancing college life with personal life is beyond explanation. There are many things that can come up in our lives that can prevent us from doing our work on time. In result, we lose focus in our school work or put things off until the last minute. Next, step 2, limiting procrastination will enhance your ability to focus on each assignment that is coming up. If you wait until the last minute you will most likely have several assignments due on the same day. This will cause unnecessary stress and make your college experience less than enjoyable.
In step 3, I mentioned staying away from your phone while working through your assignments. This might be one of the more important steps as cell phones lead to distraction which can then lead to procrastination. Step 4, avoiding negative influencers, can include family, friends, or other students that don’t take college seriously. This is your life and your future and you can’t let anyone stop you from succeeding. Lastly, step 5 involves staying in touch with your professors. This can be my email, in person, or even text if they allow it. There’s also ways that you can interact with them online through applications via face cam.
I strongly suggest following these steps if you want to have a successful college experience. Not only will you be more successful, but college will be more enjoyable for you if you stay on top of your work and interact with your professors. Avoid things that will lead to breaking any of the steps above. Associate with friends that will have a positive effect on your school and personal life. Manage your time wisely and never wait until the last minute to get things turned in. Success is just around the corner!

Stay off!
Dustyn Spengel
Student Author - Fall 2020