In this day and age, most students commute to college, some farther than others. I’ve had the chance to ask a few students who drive a long distance to get to class. 

Christian, a Gulf Coast State college student has to commute an hour-long drive to get to campus one way. Christian commutes to school about three days a week at least. When I asked him how the drive is he told me that it is not a bad drive and it gives him time to think while on the road. Christian also likes to play his music and cruise. 

Things Christian thinks about while on his drive(s) includes:

  • School 
  • Work 
  • Responsibilities 
  • Personal life 
Image by Erin Alder from Pixabay

The Drive

The campus is in Panama City, while he is commuting from Destin. Another plus side to Christian’s drive is that he has nice scenery of the water for the most part. One of the questions I had wondered about when asking him about his drive was how his gas mileage was. He told me that it wasn’t the best and that is the biggest downside of the distance. Christian would much rather live closer or if he had the chance, would live on campus. He enjoys college life and says it’s worth it in the end. Christian chose Gulf Coast State, because of the digital media program as well as the high graduation rate. 

Overall the driving is a nice time to cruise and think while having a few scenic routes along the way before heading to class, however, the gas it takes for these trips does not benefit Christian while commuting to college as to most students that have a far distance to travel. Christian will be finishing his degree in the upcoming year and is excited to see where his new knowledge of the digital media industry will take him. He is a very bright student and will go far in life.


Graceleigh Wright

Student Author - Fall 2020