How to Stay Focused in Online Classes During COVID-19
COVID-19 has affected us all, especially the way we go about our daily lives. Not only has it impacted our social lives, but also the way we learn and communicate. While some schools have opened up, others remain closed making it difficult for students to learn. For example, some students learn better by a hands on approach rather than just listening. Some learn better by listening rather than face to face, etc. Either way, we have all suffered in one way or another. The best way to stay focused during these times is to email your professors ahead of time if you have questions on an assignment. This goes for all online classes. Listed below are some ways you can stay focused and succeed in an online learning environment.
- Email ahead of time, professors may not see your email the day you need your questions answered. (They have lives too)!
- Take the time to schedule a sit-down with your professor or call them if they allow it.
- Read the syllabus and orientation before starting the class. Online is much different.
- Order your books ahead of time or purchase E-books online
- Like texting, emails can come across disrespectful. Be sure to be formal.
Importance of communication
Communication is key when it comes to succeeding in an online class. Professors are not going to hold your hand so if you are struggling you need to reach out to them. Any questions you have or issues you have should be taken up with the professor. If you plan to have a job in the future where you work from home, online classes are very similar. It’s important to reach out to your professors as you would your boss.
Proper setup
When you think of a proper setup, what do you have in mind? For an online college class, you will need a work space with either a computer or a laptop. To add to that list, you will also need a webcam. If you’re a full-time student you will need folders for each class on your desktop to store files. Reason being, you will have a lot of different assignments going on at once. This falls into the organization category.
Staying organized
To stay organized in an online class you will have to manage your desktop and keep things neat. If you have a messy desktop then you will struggle to find certain folders. You will also need to be sure that you have storage space on your computer to be able to save a lot of documents. This shouldn’t be too much of an issue as documents are small. However, videos tend to take up quite a bit of space.

Focus online during COVID-19 – Credits: Engin Akyurt on Pixabay
There is a lot that is required when you take an online class. From the difference of communication with professors to a whole new way of learning. During these hard times it can be hard, but you have to do what is necessary to succeed. After all, success is what we should all strive for. Check out the video below for some very good tips on online classes!
Dustyn Spengel
Student Author - Summer 2021