Photo Credit to Sora News 24

So the first four episodes of Attack on Titan season two have finally come out after a very long four year hiatus. So does the new season hold a candle to the first one at all? Well yes and no in short. Tetsurō Araki is the director for the Attack on Titan anime. He was heavily involved in season one but has since let someone else in the department take the reins for season two. I can be noticeable that season two does not have has much “energy” as the first season had in it. All of the normal stuff is there like very detailed and gruesome death scenes but overall the feel is a little different. The second season is only going to have about twelve episodes in it which is much less than the first season with its 25 episodes. So after about four years that all you have to offer?! What have you been doing this whole time guys?!

The art of course still looks very nice with the colors and of course creepy looking titans. The backgrounds look as lovely as ever too. The music of course is more or less the same this time around. It’s still very good but sounds really similar if not the same music from the first season.

So far the story is pretty interesting but after four years is the hype really there? Well yes and no for the most part the story still holds up. One can’t help to think that the first season was one glorified commercial for the manga. Overall looking at the IP in general with its live action spin offs and even a spinoff anime it just seems like all they want you to do is go buy the manga. Most of the audience gave up a long time ago and either just stopped caring or went and started reading the manga which is way farther ahead than the anime. The story in the anime so far is still pretty good and it’s holding my attention. The episodes don’t seem short at all and it seems pretty well paced so far. The action is pretty good and still holds up.

Overall if we get another season out of this or if we’re going to be forced to read the manga its just a waiting game at this point. So to conclude its good and everything is there but will it be worth it in the end? Only time will tell.



Anonymous Student Author – Spring 2017