Friday Mornings with HelloKaren Intro

Segment 1

Spirit Week
Live from the Fishbowl studio here at Gulf Coast State College this past Friday, I sat down with Zenovia and Chaz from SGA to talk about this upcoming week’s busy schedule here at the college. Spirit week kicks off on Monday (wear school colors) to get everyone pumped up and in the spirit, “The idea came up when we saw low pride on school campus and we were like we need something to do [to get students pumped up]…and we came up with Spirit Week,” Zenovia explains. Chaz goes on to explain, “Basically the goal this week, is to get energy up on campus.” SGA will be giving away all kinds of FREE stuff, including but definitely not limited to FOOD!! But wait, it doesn’t stop there!!! Tuesday is tie-dye day! There will be a tie-dye station set-up in the student union breeze-way from 12:30-1:30p.m. Get hands-on and tie-dye your own mask (masks will be provided). The softball team will also be there from 12:15-1:30p.m, for a meet and greet. Students are encouraged to wear school colors ALL week long!!!!!
Monday – Mardi Gras Day (wear Mardi Gras colors)
Tuesday – Tie-Dye Day: Tie-dye your own mask (masks provided) 12:30-1:30p.m. (Student Union breeze-way), meet the Softball team 12:15-1:30p.m.!
Segment 2

SGA Election time
“So, Monday SGA elections start. You can vote via email or we do have flyers around and you just scan the [QR] code,” Zenovia takes the lead with explaining how to vote in the SGA election. Students are able/encouraged to cast their votes all week long (Monday thru Thursday). All week long SGA will be working hard to get students pumped up and in the school spirit. “We encourage everyone to get on their social media and hash-tag us using #GCSCSPIRITWEEK,” Chaz tells us. Also on Monday come out and meet the men’s and women’s basketball teams, they are both going to be there!
Monday- Meet and greet with the men’s and women’s basketball teams from 12:15-1:30p.m.
Black history month trivia SUE cafe’ 12:30-1:30p.m.
Segment 3

Club Rush
“On Wednesday it is Club Rush in the Student Union breezeway and also you can meet the volleyball team,” Zenovia continues, “Later on that night (Wednesday) is movie night and we will be showing ‘The Wiz’ in the SUE conference room.” Admission is free and friends and family are welcome. Popcorn and drinks will be available. Thursday is GCSC alumni day, if you are an alumni wear your school colors!! Also, meet the baseball team and SGA BBQ!!!!!
Wednesday – Movie Night:7-9:30p.m. SUE room
Thursday – SGA BBQ: 12-2:00p.m. Meet baseball team 12:15-1:30p.m.
Chaz Mullinax
Student Activities Specialist
T- 850-765-1551 ext.3498
C- 850-703-9783
Karen Morris
Student Author - Spring 2021