School Time Management

   There are serious problems when it comes to handling all of the obligations a student has. Before now students have always had a lot on their plate, jobs, classes, school work, and managing to fit in enough social time to feel sane, so time management was already an issue. Since the pandemic began, it’s been difficult to schedule classes everything moving to online classes has hindered things as well. 

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   With times being less consistent and information not being as readily available. Meeting in a physical location gives much less room for error than an online lecture. They can be completely canceled if the internet goes out, or just can’t handle the number of teachers trying to do classes online This is a big issue considering they have to overlap some to provide students a scheduled time during business hours. Many of these classes are hosted as Zoom meetings. Well, video calling can get a lot of the knowledge across, it loses a core part of the interactivity that helps learners in physical classes. 


   While most of this is out of our control. There are some time management tricks you can use to help optimize your learning experience while also conserving time. Try to schedule any classes you know will be online around your work and homework. If you know you work during daylight hours you can schedule your classes in the afternoon. This block of time can also be set aside for homework. Work in a space that is both comfortable and efficient for what you need to do.

   For some people, this may just be sitting at your desk at home. But for others who don’t have good internet access or space at home. The school campus is a great place to get stuff done. Personally, I use the office I work at. It has a fast internet connection and I have access to it easily. Scheduling classes in the same time period you do your homework also lets you multitask. So if nothing is happening at the moment in your online lecture. You can study the text or do some of the related coursework in the background while it is still fresh in your mind. 

Work Time Management

   Managing a job right now is also very difficult. With all of the new rules and regulations surrounding many Industries. Some people are fortunate enough to have jobs that allow for remote work to be done. However, most students aren’t lucky enough to have a position like that. Be professional, but let your employer know that you are a student and school is a big priority for you. So you need a regular schedule. Having set days on and off as well as set hours provides stability that is very beneficial right now in these uncertain times. It allows you to plan out when you can take classes and work on homework on a regular basis.

Mental Health

   Right now students are really struggling with mental health. Young adults are one of the most affected groups by mental disorders due to uncertainty and stress, times are especially hard now. Now more than ever you have to take time for yourself. While there are obligations that have to be fulfilled you also have to take some time off and relax. Socialize over the phone or hang out with whoever you live with, just do something to reduce the stress and recharge yourself a little bit.

Other writings in the “Problems Modern Students Face” beat:



Pj Heckert

Student Author - Spring 2021