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Do you think you are the only one that plays music when studying? All through the country, college students use music to boost their intelligence and get As on their following exams. This interview gives the perspective of a former student about music. I had the opportunity and pleasure to question an FSU graduate named Allen Davis and learn more about how he used music to pass his classes. 

Tell Me About Yourself?

“My name is Allen Homer Davis. I attended Florida State University in Tallahassee. I took classes there for four years and a half and graduated with a bachelor’s in IT. I am currently working as a full-stack web developer in Paul Consulting Group here in Tallahassee.”

Do You Like Listening To Music?

“Ever since I was little, I have always loved to listen to music. I used to hear my parents put on some old songs and sing them word for word. Even during my high school years, I have listened to music every time I’m cleaning the house or working out. Music makes me feel calm, and it helps me concentrate on whatever I’m doing. Sometimes it seems that time flies by when you are listening to your favorite songs too.”

As a Former Student, Do You Think Music Can Help Students in Their Classes?

“I read online that ambient music is good to listen to when studying. I used music while learning because it got me more motivated to do my work, plus it kept me more focused. I still have many friends in college right now that always listen to music when they are studying.”

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

What Did You Listen To While Studying for Your Classes?

“I usually listened to metal, electronic, or hip hop music, which I know they say that it is terrible to listen to when studying. At the end of the day, I usually did very well on my exams, even with loud music playing in the background. The only reason I believe why these genres of music helped me passed my tests was because I genuinely enjoyed those genres.”

Do You Think Schools Should Let College Students Listen To Music While Taking Exams?

“I don’t think it would be a good idea because students will end up cheating. What I would like to see is for teachers to let students listen to music before an exam. Music can work wonders for helping people remember information, so using it before an exam can give them better grades. Remember when we were in high school, and Mr.Flowers use to do that before every exam.”

As a Former Student, What Is Your Perspective About Using Music To Study?

“I totally support listening to music while studying but only use music that you like and can keep you concentrated. The music that worked for me might not work for you, so experiment with different genres. Music can affect the brain in many different ways, and it can definitely get you a better grade in your classes.”

The essential thing to take from this interview is that different people react to music differently. A former student’s perspective about music can help you see how he used it to his advantage. Experiment with different types of music genres and see which one will help you in college. Just like Allen, he found the music genres that helped him focus more and make better grades. 


Angel Padilla

Student Author - Spring 2021