One perspective about college is knowing others and getting connected either in the career you’re studying or at work.

The other is procrastinating on an assignment until the last minute, and tends to wing it at the end because you don’t really care what the assignment is about. 

No one wants to do assignments voluntarily. Especially if you want to take the advantage of using the freedom you have before going into the real world of going to work and manage time.

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 As a young individual, college students want to go to parties, participate in club events around the college campus, or spend time with friends and make the night worth talking about years later.

Here is one of the downsides: assignments rely on your grades. Grades can also make an impact on a student’s transcripts, whether if the student wants to transfer from one college to another. Therefore, it may limit based on what college to go to in order to transfer. 

One other to consider is the career students want to have after graduating college. Its possible employers may look at one’s GPA, which can have an impact on how the employer may see the young adult.

 Along with limiting the number of jobs that are offered in the career field.

There are ways to complete assignments faster. That way, you can enjoy time to yourself or spend quality time with friends without worry.

Begin assignments early

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For those procrastinators out there, this is for you!

Leaving those assignments abandoned creates more stress and limits time to give detail into your work. Or end up missing a deadline altogether.

Figure out an assignment or project that’s the most important and start on it early. That way, it can help receive stress and plan better on how you want to complete the project.

 It would be best to not pull an all-nighter, right?

Create a List

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Make a list in regards to assignments that need to be completed either the day of or in a couple of days from today. It helps keep track of assignments along with other plans either for the day or for the week.

 It will also relieve stress if tasks that need to be done are written on paper. Make sure to include any kind of task like checking emails, taking out the trash, or doing laundry.

Have a good environment

Make sure the environment you’re surrounding yourself in will motivate you to do assignments or study.

Students tend to go to a library or a shared coworking space in order to focus on assigned work.

Get a Planner

Whether it’s a digital planner to have on your phone, or a hard copy of your planner, that way you have everything gathered in one place.

This can apply to making lists to keep yourself organized and not have to rely on memory. A planner will be your best friend!

Have a study buddy!

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College is also about meeting new people from other places. One of the perks is to find a study buddy to get along with and to help one another out with homework, and preparing for projects and exams makes time easier.

 Another thought is forming a study group, helping to reduce procrastination. 

Take Breaks

Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay


Make some time to relax. College is a hassle when it comes to completing major projects and studying for exams to pass classes.

Take some time for yourself and mentally refresh if you feel stressed. Then make sure to come back and continue your work.

Remember, taking breaks is just as important!

College helps you know what you want to do for a lifelong career, know what you might like or dislike. Therefore, one of the dislikes about college is completing assignments on time. These tips can help you accomplish assignments (and stay organized).

Works Cited

“8 Easy Ways to Finish Homework Faster.” The Princeton Review

“How to Stay on Top of Your Assignments in College.” Herzing University, 25 Mar. 2020

-, Virginia Corona, et al. “Homework Hacks: How to Do College Assignments Faster.”, 1 Sept. 2020



Pakarwadee Tiebklang

Student Author - Summer 2021