Students till not

College students have so much to deal with getting through college sometimes we can forget that it’s all for what you do after. Now, this can be a weird topic for some people. “You just get a job?” they think. But things aren’t always that easy. In some fields, you may be able to immediately get a job. 

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Some like nursing or physical therapy positions where demand is always high you can go directly into a position upon graduating college but that isn’t how it is for everyone. For most students, your job search should start while you are still going to school. There are a few options so don’t panic. First look at what your degree is in and see what jobs your degree will be useful for. There might be positions you haven’t considered. If you are focusing your education on radio you might also be great at working on a podcast or casting the news. I am focused on media production and my job is in course design. So there are pretty far-reaching different positions that your skillset may be perfect for. 

Students Internships

Look for internships. Even if your degree doesn’t require one or they aren’t popular in the field. Taking on the responsibility of the job and doing real hands-on work. It will teach you faster and provide you with more useful information than anything else. There are many positions available especially now. If you can’t find something readily available, keep looking and talk to the pros. People who are passionate about what they do want to help other passionate people get into their field. It’s never bad to have new hard-working employees either. These internships are great learning opportunities but more importantly career opportunities. Many places hire their interns on, as full-time employees after they have graduated. There is an advantage to both you and the employer in this scenario. You get to try out the job to see how you fit and they get to see how well you work with the rest of the team.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Don’t give up!

If there isn’t anything available in your area don’t freak out. There are other options. Look at many many companies that work in your field. Then pick out the ones you want to work for and have a chance of being hired at. Make sure your portfolio of work is complete and your resume is polished and up to date. Then is the hard part. Start contacting all of them and see if you can get on the phone with someone. Clearly express your determination and desire to work at this company. If you can get a member of management to look at your work and you impress them. Then you will have a shot. Be prepared for rejection as many places won’t hire someone who doesn’t have experience. But don’t give up. If you keep looking and polishing your skills eventually you’ll impress the right person and get a chance.

Once you get someone to listen tell them about your plans and where you see yourself. Let them know you want to work for them specifically when you graduate on so and so date. Really take into account everything and you’ll be able to find a place that is a good fit for you. Start with LinkedIn and build from there


Pj Heckert

Student Author - Spring 2021